Flax may average a hundred times more lignans than other foods.
It’s the same with flax seeds and the anticancer lignan compounds. You could eat tons of other kinds of greens and vegetables on a given day, and get no appreciable sulforaphane if you didn’t eat something cruciferous. For example, sulforaphane, the amazing liver-enzyme detox-boosting compound, is derived nearly exclusively from cruciferous vegetables. Some foods and food groups have special nutrients not found in abundance elsewhere. The more I’ve researched over the years, the more I’ve come to realize that healthy foods are not necessarily interchangeable. That would, by definition, be a whole-food, plant-based diet-but not a very healthy one. For example, you can apparently live extended periods eating practically nothing but white potatoes. But, some plants are healthier than others. In my book, How Not to Die, I suggest we try to center our diets around whole plant foods. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr.
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